Annual National Primary School Examinations

Published Wed, May 25, 2022
Written by Sarah Pietryga

Sierra Leone’s National Primary School Examinations (NPSE) are high stakes standardized tests administered at the end of the Primary and Secondary school year to determine if students can move up to higher levels.

This year’s examinations were almost derailed by a widespread teacher’s strike in Sierra Leone (in which EduNations staff did not participate) based on a request for higher salaries to offset rampant inflation. The day before the exams, the government was still negotiating with the Sierra Leone Teachers Union and there was widespread speculation the exams would be postponed.

Despite the rumors, the Ministry of Basic and Senior Secondary Education administered the NPSE as scheduled on Saturday, May 7th 2022 to approximately 164,000 students including 156 pupils from EduNations schools. Since the exam is so important, EduNations teachers provide as much support and encouragement as possible to the students, reminding them how well EduNations’ pupils have done on the tests in past years. EduNations also provides transportation and other exam related materials.

EduNations staff also supported the NPSE exam process by serving as exam monitors. Students and administrators described the day as having been “phenomenal” with police officers using bikes to get additional exam materials, citizens bringing food to candidates, teachers and government officials monitoring exams, and grateful parents being supportive to all.

We are optimistic that this year’s results for our students will be great as in past years.

In rural villages where education was not even dreamed of before EduNations, parents and children expressed their profound gratitude to the supporters who make this all possible.
