Beauty from the Ashes - One Year Later

Published Fri, Feb 02, 2024
Written by Dana Kaltenberger

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Beauty from the Ashes 

One year ago today, February 2, 2023, one of the dormitories at our senior secondary school was completely destroyed by an accidental fire. Thankfully, no one was injured in either of these incidents, but the effects of the damage sent ripples of fear and uncertainty throughout these communities.  How could we rebound from this devastation? Not only were we challenged with replacing lost assets, but also with the demand of managing the emotional and mental impact this had on our students, especially those who lost all of their possessions to the destructive flames. We immediately put out a plea to you to help us rebuild from these disasters. 

Within 5 days, our supporters gave over $50,000 toward the reconstruction efforts, and by the end of the campaign, they had given over $98,000—nearly doubling our goal! Their quick response allowed us to not only rebuild and repair the damaged buildings, but also enabled us to fully support the victims of the disasters, provide an upgraded infrastructure to prevent future disasters, and care for the needs of the student body at large. 

We began to see beauty from the ashes.  The grief, fear, and uncertainty that first gripped our hearts, turned to hope, gratitude, and peace.  We saw acts of kindness, forgiveness, and mercy.  We saw grace extended and bonds of unity strengthened.  What started as a disaster, turned into a true blessing.

Thank you to everyone who contributed to this project!
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