Education Official Visits EduNations Schools

Published Wed, Apr 27, 2022
Written by Sarah Pietryga

Since it takes special effort for officials to travel to our schools in the remote regions of Sierra Leone, we were especially pleased when on April 5th Mr. Joseph Ishmael Kargbo, Sierra Leone’s Deputy Director of Education Bombali District (hereafter, the Director) visited EduNations’ Schools in Mapainda and Mayatta.

During his visit, the Director saw how the EduNations’ mission to ignite hope in under-resourced communities by educating rising generations has become a reality as he met with pupils, teachers and school staff, as well as representatives from the local School Board. The Director heard how well EduNations students have performed in both internal and external examinations, how we work to expand education beyond the classroom with extracurricular activities and clubs, and met School Chaplain Abraham Kargbo who offers guidance and counsel to students.

After his visit, the Director said, “It has been a pleasure to visit the EduNations schools today. I am very impressed by the dedication of the staff and the enthusiasm of the children. I was interested to hear about the absolute free, fair, and quality education you are giving to these children which provides them with a platform to put forward and actualize their dreams.” He continued, “It says a lot about the management of the schools that they are prepared to engage with their pupils and listen to their input and views. But more importantly, it speaks volumes about the children involved that they are keen to make a difference.”

In conclusion the Director said: “I commend the Board of Governors, President of EduNations, Education Secretary, Head of Schools, teachers and all the staff for their continuing hard work.” We at EduNations are grateful for your ongoing support which makes all this possible. Thank you!
