Giving Thanks for Water - A Sustainable Water Harvesting Project Launches in Rokassa

Published Wed, Nov 29, 2023
Written by Dana Kaltenberger


Giving Thanks for Water - A Sustainable Water Harvesting Project Launches in Rokassa

After navigating the last dry season in Rokassa, we realized the need for additional clean water solutions on the compound.  Rokassa is home to four EduNations Schools including the Senior Secondary School and 14 student dormitories.  Serving over 1,000 students in addition to teachers, staff, and community members, the three wells in Rokassa were no longer sufficient.  The lack of water brought about security and sanitary challenges as we had to rely on a nearby river to meet the demand.

Our board and administrative staff began to discuss the options.  After further study, it was determined that drilling additional wells was not a viable solution.   It was finally determined that harvesting rainwater would be the best method of addressing this great need. 

In the spring of 2023, the Sustainable Water Harvesting Project was introduced.   During the rainy season, rainwater would be collected from the rooftops of the dormitories and funnelled into 56 (4/dorm) - 5000 litre tanks.  This rainwater would be treated and kept in reserve until the dry season.  Then the water could be used for cooking and bathing.  This system will lessen the demand on the existing wells and create a secure and viable alternative. 

Phase 1 of this project has been completed with 28 tanks in place. We have currently received $39,000 and need an approximately $24,000 to complete Phase 2.  Access to clean water is foundational to operating our schools. We want to thank the partnering churches and individuals who took action to address this critical need.  

If you would like to give to this project, please use this link to donate.