Hope Ignited for EduNations Class of 2023!

Published Wed, Apr 26, 2023
Written by Sarah Pietryga

On Monday, April 24th a team from the US, including an EduNations Founder, Board Chairman, and US Director, witnessed a historical EduNations event.  The first graduating class of EduNations Hope Academy Senior Secondary received their diplomas making their mark in EduNations history! We are so very proud of these 106 students. They will change their futures, their family’s futures, the future for their villages, and the future for Sierra Leone. 

“…many of those students will go on to universities, where they will hone the skills necessary to lead their nation to a brighter tomorrow.   Whether it’s across the street or on the other side of the world, this is our mission as followers of the Great Rabbi: to care for the “least of these.”

This is not just our duty, it is our greatest joy! To invest our time, our energy, our resources, our very lives into others — especially those most in need — is why we were put on this planet! 

You don’t have to travel across the globe to discover the meaning of life. All around us, every day, are folks who need to know that they are not forgotten, that they are loved, that others will help them in their time of need. The arithmetic in the Kingdom of Heaven runs counter to the world: we add to our joy, our love, our satisfaction by giving, not taking. Especially when we reach out to those most in need.” – Ken Houseknecht, EduNations Founder

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