Mamusu Receives the Honorable Psychosocial Award

Published Wed, May 31, 2023
Written by Sarah Pietryga

Mamusu Kargbo was one of the proud students who graduated last month from EduNations Senior Secondary School. In addition to reaching this milestone accomplishment, Mamusu was awarded the Psychosocial Award at graduation as a testament to her resilience and strength demonstrated as she overcame all odds against her educational pursuits. 

Mamusu was born in a village about 6 miles away from the village of Rokassa, where EduNations currently operates a nursery, primary, junior secondary, and senior secondary school. At a young age, Mamusu’s father passed away and she was raised by a single mother. She attended a local primary school in her village and then began attending EduNations Junior Secondary School in 2018. 

Living 6 miles from the school, Mamusu joined five other girls who began their walking commute to EduNations Junior Secondary School at 6am each day. Every day, Mamusu and the other girls walked 12 miles to and from school in order to receive an education. They also accomplished this commute on empty stomachs, as their families could only afford to provide them with dinner each day. 

In her second year of junior secondary school, the other girls that Mamusu walked with dropped out of school due to the long distance they had to travel. But Mamusu prevailed and continued walking to school in order to receive an education and work towards the next level of schooling. 

Against all odds, Mamusu completed junior secondary school and was enrolled in EduNations Senior Secondary Boarding School, where she lived in the dormitories with the other students, no longer having to make the daily 6 mile commute each way. Mamusu studied Business during her three years at the senior secondary school with the hopes of becoming an entrepreneur after graduation. She is currently taking her national exams and plans to continue her studies at a University. 

EduNations Psychosocial Coordinator, Fatu, works with girls like Mamusu in order to help them overcome barriers and support their educational journeys. “As the Psychosocial Coordinator, I am so pleased that the work of EduNations in these remote communities has helped impact the lives of girls, given them hope, and taught them to be strong and determined to make a change in their lives and the communities,” Fatu says. “I want to continue to thank all those who are supporting the work here in Sierra Leone. We are thankful for all these life changing stories of our students. If not for your support, stories of girls like Mamusu would have turned out to be so different. May God bless you.”
