387 Students Expected at the Senior Secondary School This Year

Published Sun, Aug 27, 2023
Written by Dana Kaltenberger



In just two weeks, we expect 387 students to arrive EduNations Hope Academy Senior Secondary School in Rokassa to start the new school year.  Of these, 129 have their sights set on receiving their high school diplomas as the class of 2024!


Let’s look at some of the things happening to make the new year possible.


The students will attend orientation where they will be presented with the school prospectus outlining the requirements and expectations for a successful school year. Students are instilled with the values of respect, honesty, sincerity, courtesy, and responsibility.  Students are required to read and sign the prospectus which includes the standards of behavior they agree to uphold. 


When students arrive on campus, they receive assignments into one of the fourteen dormitories on campus.  These dorms are run as “families” with a house parent group of students.  Students adhere to a regular schedule of meals, classes and activities and share daily chores to help their house to run smoothly.


In addition to their academic curriculum, students also benefit from experiential learning in agriculture, science laboratory, music, and computer skills. And EduNations provides opportunities for students to participate in sports including soccer, basketball, volleyball and tennis. These activities broaden the students’ learning experience and enhance their development.


Since EduNations seeks to enrich students in mind, body, and spirit, students participate in Sunday church services and midweek Chapel services.  We also offer weekly Christian discipleship training which allows students to hear the Gospel of Jesus Christ, explore the basic principles and tenets of the Christian faith, study the Bible, and pray for and encourage one another. 


The expected 387 10th – 12th grade students will live on our campus 24 hours a day / 7 days a week throughout the school year.  This means EduNations’ kitchen staff will prepare 1,161 meals every day for the students alone!  Dormitories are require maintenance to keep them in best condition for our student “families”. 


With over 1,000 students, staff, and Rokassa community members on our campus daily, the demand for water is an ongoing challenge. While our well sustains us through the rainy season, it cannot keep up with the demand in the dry season.  So, this year we are in the process of launching a water sustainability plan which includes installation of large, rooftop water collection tanks that will catch and store rainwater until the dry season. 


With so much going into the education of the almost 400 students, it probably won’t surprise you nearly half of EduNations’ overall operating costs are directly related to Hope Academy Senior Secondary School in Rokassa.  But it is the Senior Secondary School that provides such a critical education for the outstanding students who we believe will become the future leaders of their communities and perhaps Sierra Leone.


We simply couldn’t do this important work without you, our faithful donors and supporters who make all of this possible.  Your generosity allows us to continue to make a difference in the lives of these students.  Thank you! 


If would like to contribute the needs of our Secondary School Students, please consider making a donation or sponsoring a secondary student today!