Raising the Roof - Mayatta's Transformation

Published Wed, Mar 29, 2023
Written by Sarah Pietryga

The Mayatta school roof construction is completed.  After a windstorm violently tore the roof from the Mayatta classroom building in January,  EduNations supporters rallied to replace the damage.  The contractor shared that the effect of the wind towards the building warranted them to not only rebuild the roof, but also do some technical maintenance on the entire structure, enforcing it with pillars and beams to further strengthen the walls and changing the windows from wooden to balusters. The contractor handed the building over to the EduNations school staff on Friday, March 24th after completion.

“On behalf of EduNations SL, the pupils, and staff of EduNations Hope Academy Primary School Mayatta, our sincere gratitude and appreciation to the US staff for the great work and our donors for supporting the work of EduNations in all odds.” - Michael Turay, EduNations Education Secretary

