Salma Rubio Serves Our Communities

Published Tue, Jan 30, 2024
Written by Dana Kaltenberger


Meet 29 year-old Salma Rubio from Mexico who is serving as a missionary with the EPCSL and volunteering as the Sierra Leone sponsorship coordinator for EduNations. 

At seventeen years old I met Jesus, and at that moment I knew that I wanted to offer my life to him for his service.  In 2017, during a devotional time, God spoke to me about Sierra Leone and put a special love for church planting and especially for the orphanhood of this country.

A year ago, I arrived in Sierra Leone where I am serving as a missionary with the EPCSL. With the help of Samuel Sesay, local pastors and church planters I visit the mother churches of Rokassa, Mabum and Fintonia monthly in order to preach and promote church planting in the unreached communities in the north region of the country. 

For six months, I have also served as a volunteer with EduNations, helping to coordinate the sponsorship program.  I traveled to the six villages where EduNations provides education and updated the data of each of our sponsored children.

I encourage the supporters and donors of EduNations to continue sponsoring the education of children in Sierra Leone. I am a witness that they are being transformed by God and you are being part of a great change for this country. 
