Vision Achieved: Senior Secondary Students Enrolled at All Three Class Levels

Published Wed, Nov 30, 2022
Written by Sarah Pietryga

November marked a significant achievement at the Senior Secondary School as a rising 3rd-level class filled all three levels in a school which opened just two years ago. This is especially significant since 3rd-level students will be eligible to take national examinations toward the end of the year which could qualify them for admission to university studies.

For our students who were born into under-privileged communities, literally the “poorest of the poor”, where even going to primary school was an impractical hope, attending senior secondary school is a dream come true. Now with university as possibility, students are digging into their studies with even greater diligence.

Prior to the civil war of the 1990’s, Sierra Leone’s was so renowned for its educational system that it was known as the “Athens of West Africa”. Our staff is committed not only to our underprivileged students, but to the hope that our students’ success may help restore the country’s academic reputation. 

Thank you for making these hopes into real possibilities.

