Visiting EduNations in Sierra Leone - Jana's Story

Published Sun, Jun 30, 2024
Written by Dana Kaltenberger

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Last month, EduNations sent a small team to Sierra Leone.  Jana Marshall, from New Covenant EPC in Lake Jackson, Texas was interested in visiting our EduNations schools to see the work and ministry firsthand and accepted an invitation to join our team on this trip.  Jana shares her experience to encourage and inspire current and future EduNations supporters.

“Our pastor, Alan Trafford, first introduced us to EduNations in Sierra Leone, Africa, a few years ago, and over time made us aware of some of the needs of our Christian brothers and sisters there.

Our church wanted to help where urgently needed, and at the time, in a conversation between Samuel Sesay and Alan, it became known that one pressing need was for water retention tanks, to store rainwater during the rainy season, to be used later during the long dry season.

The scope of EduNations is phenomenal.  Seeing thousands of students over the course of several days and knowing that each one is being ministered to as an individual, is absolutely mind-blowing.  I loved seeing the baptisms, and hearing Christian preaching, as many Muslims sat with us inside the buildings, and listened intently. 

Seeing the level of poverty in the villages we drove past is beyond my ability to fully portray.  And yet, seeing the joy of the EduNations students, as hope for their future is ignited, is likewise indescribable.  The little children love their teachers, because their teachers truly love them.  The environment in the classrooms, and in the schools in general, fosters learning and growth, not only mentally and physically, but also emotionally and spiritually. God is moving in incredible ways there. 

From the time we arrived at the airport in Sierra Leone, until the time we departed, the EduNations staff was more than welcoming.  The word "hospitality" is helpful but does not fully describe the love shown to us by the dear folks at EduNations.  "Protective" and "sacrificing" are useful words as well, and "hard working" describes all the staff we met. 


Jesus is still guiding me, through the Holy Spirit, and I am indeed curious to know what my role will be in helping to get the word out, that EduNations is not only bringing children out of poverty through education, but at the same time is spreading the Good News of the Gospel. 

So many things are limited in Sierra, water, electricity, education.  Resources are not taken for granted there as they often are in the West.  There are so many needs, but our God is so much bigger!

I am thrilled to be sponsoring two young ladies, who both attend the EduNations high school in Rokassa.  One wants to be a doctor, and the other a lawyer.  I loved chatting with them, more than once over a couple days, and look forward to seeing how the Lord works in their precious lives!

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The Lord has provided mightily for EduNations, and I am certain that without His leading, EduNations would not exist as it is. EduNations provides free education, feeding, and Christian ministry to thousands of children, as well as fair and timely pay for over a hundred Sierra Leonean teachers to feed their families.  Funds are still needed to fulfill this awesome task, and they use every sponsorship and donation to its fullest potential.  Nothing goes to waste. 

Is God sparking your heart to participate in some way?  "But since you excel in everything—in faith, in speech, in knowledge, in complete earnestness and in the love we have kindled in you—see that you also excel in this grace of giving...For you know the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, that though he was rich, yet for your sake he became poor, so that you through his poverty might become rich." (2 Corinthians 8:7,9)

Your encouragement and support "fan into flame the gift of God" (2 Timothy 1:6) through this amazing ministry!  Our Savior is using you powerfully to change lives for the better, and to grow His Kingdom!”