Adama S Kamara

Village Rokassa

Age 18

I.D. Number GBE0206SS

Gender Female

School Rokassa Senior Secondary School

Class SSS3

Hobby Basketball

Area of Study Arts

Adama’s family did not believe her education was necessary.  Instead, they arranged to give her into early marriage upon her arrival in Gbenekoro earlier in 2024.  As a result, Adama refused to return to Gbenekoro during her holiday, desiring to continue her education.  

EduNations’ president, Samuel Sesay, shared Adama’s story at our Annual Golf Outing and Benefit Dinner, and Adama was sponsored that evening!   

After hearing the news that Adama was sponsored, her father was so proud and overjoyed that he canceled her upcoming wedding!  And he insists that she continue her education.

Adama dreams of being a lawyer and fighting for the rights of other young women who desire to be educated instead of being given to early marriage. 

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