Alusine Kanu

Village Rokassa

Age 19

I.D. Number ROK0081SS

Gender Male

School Rokassa Senior Secondary School

Class SSS3

Hobby Soccer

Area of Study Communications

In 2015, Alusine Kanu and his sister, Mariatu found themselves orphaned after Ebola claimed the lives of their parents.   Alusine, Mariatu and their elderly grandmother were the only survivors in their family. Alusine was only in 3rd grade when both parents died.

In the village of Gbenekoro, he and his sister struggled with their grandmother as it was a difficult time for them.  Their grandmother was very old and had no energy anymore to do farm work. 

Through the support of EduNations, Alusine and his sister were able to go back to school and receive free quality education. EduNations was also able to provide them with psychosocial care and support, as well as food and other amenities.  A few years ago, their grandmother also passed away. 

Today, Alusine is attending the EduNations Hope Academy Senior Secondary School in Rokassa and lives in the boarding home with his peers.

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