
Boarding Program

Our Boarding Program is specifically designed for our Senior Secondary School in Rokassa.  This program houses and feeds all of our senior secondary students on a daily basis.  Our students come from our EduNations schools in all six communities therefore supporting members of every village.  Good nutrition is a key element of a healthy mind and body and critical to the education of every child.  We also provide them with safe and secure housing by grouping the students as families in our newly constructed dormitories. 

Pillars:  Physical Development, Psychosocial Development



March 27, 2024

The EduNations boarding home is a program that was designed specifically for our senior secondary school students from all the EduNations schools in the six communities. These students would have found it very difficult to continue their senior ...


February 23, 2024

Since the construction of our Senior Secondary School four years ago, our dream has been to build a dining hall facility where ALL of our students can gather at mealtimes! The dining hall will include an indoor kitchen for our cooks, an ...


February 02, 2024

     Beauty from the Ashes  One year ago today, February 2, 2023, one of the dormitories at our senior secondary school was completely destroyed by an accidental fire. Thankfully, no one was injured in either of these incide...


November 28, 2023

Giving Thanks for Opportunity - SSS1 Students Arrive in Rokassa Senior Secondary School (SSS) in Sierra Leone is what we in the US call high school. This year a total of 154 students, 60 young women and 94 young men, were admitted into the EduN...


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